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30 Days To A

Mindful Healthy Living

Create A Healthy Relationship With Mind, Body & Food

Join our SIGNATURE program that will help you to create a healthy relationship with mind, body & food.

This is the secret that no fitness or nutrition coach will ever teach you, and you can get access for a very affordable price.

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Join The Program

Wondering What The

30 Days To A Mindful Healthy Program Is?

This is your ultimate life-changer 30 days guide to create a healthy relationship with mind, body & food. 

In this program we advocate a mindful healthy and balanced lifestyle that is sustainable and produces long-term results.  We combine my coaching method along with plant-based nutritional supplements along with healthy whole food meals.  

On this program, you can expect a reduction of inflammation in the body, improved digestion, and an overall boost to your well-being.  Nourishing yourself from the inside out, as well as movement, meditation, and mindset work through our signature framework

"Stephanie's Wellness Framework"

By the end of the 30 days, you will feel and look amazing!


Live a mindful balanced lifestyle

Create more energy

Build body confidence

Awareness of self

Feel and look more fit

Create new habits

Reduce stress

Look and feel beautiful inside and out

It Literally Changed My Life & Health!

Let me ask you this, do these signs sound familiar to you?

  • Bloating

  • Indigestion

  • Acne

  • Brain fog

  • Weight gain

  • Joint pain

  • Decreased energy?

If any of this sounds familiar then this program is for you. I was so bloated, so tired and so unhealthy that my mental and physical health was terrible. I was so frustrated with how I was feeling and how it was affecting my mood, my relationship with my kids, and my business that I was literally having horrible breakouts on my face and I was so stressed that I could not stop picking on it, seriously, my face was destroyed.

I had no energy at all to do anything, and let me tell you in case you don’t know yet, I am a single mom of three, so life gets a little too much sometimes… okay, most of the time. I didn’t have the energy to not even want to cook, which was making things worst, because I was solving with fast foods.  My mood was horrible all the time, and all I wanted was to be left alone and stay in bed watching TV.

Not just that but I wasn't happy with my body either! I hated the way I looked and started to be mean to myself and feel angry every time I looked at myself in the mirror.  Feeling all these horrible emotions take a toll on my mental and physical health, I was sad, depressed, but also making my body look even worst than it looked before by gaining more weight and having my face destroyed.

I knew what I needed to do, I knew I needed to workout, and I wanted to do it, but a part of me that I didn't understand and controlled was making me do absolutely nothing.

Had you ever found yourself on a similar situation? Want to do something but find yourself doing the total opposite without even knowing how and when did it happen? Well I found the answer by mistake, while searching the answer for other questions, is the thing that a nutritionist or fitness coach will not tell you and I will now teach you because it literally changed everything.

As soon as I combined what I learned by accident and added the 30 days program and started to implement all of the knowledge given to me in the program, I saw almost immediate results and my life completely changed. I started to feel and see the results in less than a week into the program, seriously, I did. By the end of the 30 days, I was so energized, happy, and focus on my tasks that I kept this new amazing lifestyle until today, like, “Who is she?  I don’t recognize her anymore!”


I love taking care of my body and I love helping women to do so as well. I want you to feel and look as amazing as I do today, I want to help you get in the best health and shape of your life. In this program I get to do that, I don’t only just support to only eat healthier but I help you to learn how to create a healthy relationship with mind, body, and food.


We don’t know guilt, judgment, or failure in here!


Join Healthy Mindful Living Program Today
and learn how to be the healthiest and happiest version of yourself.  

You will not regret it.

Join The Program

My Mision

My mission is to help you to look and feel your best from the inside out by getting your body back to an alkaline state where it functions optimally by eliminating allergenic, addictive, and acidic foods and fueling your body with what it needs.


During this program, I will also train you on how to create a healthy relationship with your mind, body, and food.  This is a lifestyle shift.  This is not a fad diet.  When your body is in an alkaline state, it will naturally help you achieve weight loss if needed by flushing out toxic waste and build up.

In this program, we focus on eating whole organic real foods as much as possible and create balanced and easy lifestyle shifts that you can carry on long past the program.  This program provides you with an amazing private community where we can all support and cheer each other during your programs.


I will be coaching you and help you get healthier while holding you accountable to your goals and feel your best from the inside out.  I am giving you a platform to do nothing but SUCCEED! 

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During The Program We Will Focus On:

  • Eliminating addictive allergenic, acidic, and inflammatory foods. 

  • Removing toxins overload.

  • Healing the gut microbiome.

  • Balancing hormones.

  • Balancing blood sugar.

  • Creating healthy mindful habits and lifestyle.

  • Bringing your body to an alkaline state. 

  • Supporting elimination organs.

  • Giving your body a reset.

  • Create a healthy relationship with mind, body & food.

What's Included

        With Your Purchase:

  • 30 Days Nutrition kit from Arbonne (9 full sied products).

  • Free gift of your choice.

  • Free shipping.

  • Weekly recipe book + Grocery list.

  • Weekly live coaching.

  • Daily motivation.

  • Meditations.

  • Workouts.

  • Goal setting workbook.

  • Lifetime access to our private FB community group.

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Image by Carissa Gan

This Program Is Designed For

  • Ladies who want to optimize their health.

  • Ladies who want to create a healthy relationship with themselves, their bodies and food.

  • Ladies who want to lose weight in a mindful healthy way.

  • Athletes who want to increase performance, strength, energy, and muscle definition.

  • Ladies who want to uncover food sensitivities.

  • Ladies experiencing fatigue, foggy thinking, poor sleep, poor digestion, excess weight.


What This Program Is:

  • A 30-day whole foods clean eating program.

  • A system to equip you with the tools & knowledge you need to implement life-long health.

  • A rest for the liver and kidneys to maximize function.

  • An elimination program to help uncover food sensitivities.

  • A weight loss jumpstart.

  • It is a lifestyle change.


What it’s not:

  • A deprivation diet.

  • A fast or a liquid diet.

What If You Could?

  • Identify how to use food as fuel for the body.

  • Optimize how you look and feel, inside and out.

  • Tune in to the messages that your body is sending.

  • Help support healthy gut function.

  • Eat and drink more intuitively, giving your body the nutrients it needs to function optimally.

What If I Tell You That During This Program You Will:


Establish healthy habits with clean eating, activity, and restful sleep that will become the foundation of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.


So much of the body’s overall wellbeing is controlled by our gut, so supporting this area will help optimize how we feel and look.


Focus on ways to allow your body time to rest and work to reduce feelings of stress.


A positive focus can impact your confidence because when you feel good physically and mentally, you look good too!


Healthy-looking skin starts from within and can be optimized with balanced nutrition, consistent hydration, and a more relaxed mindset.

while you get support and being hold accountable all the way through your journey... 

would you do it?

Because I did and it changed my life, my health, and how I feel about my body and I don't regret a single bit of it and I want to help you do and feel amazing too!

There Are An Insane Amount Of Benefits That You Will See At The End Of The 30 Days



• More outgoing • Feeling more productive • Improved positivity • Laughing more • Managing stress better • Feeling in control • Improved confidence • Positive self-image


• Healthier relationship with food • Mindful eating • Learning to eat more intuitively • Reduced food cravings • Better nutrition balance in meals • Feeling less “hangry” in-between meals


• Glowing skin • Feeling more confident in your clothes • Looking more youthful


• Improved sleep quality • Waking up feeling refreshed • Improved feelings of energy


• Moving or exercising more consistently • Feeling stronger and more fit • Hitting more exercise “personal bests” • Spending more time outside • Playing with kids more • Trying new activities

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Why Detoxify The Body?

We hit plateu in traditional weight loss programs because we do not eliminate the toxic influx. The faucet is on and it is bringing toxins into the body.


If the drain is clogged the tub will gradually fill up and spill all over the sided, aka, this would be your muffin top or other health problems (check symptoms below).


What we do in the program is to turn off the faucet by taking in less toxins, and we unclog the drain by supporting our elimination organs so everything flows smoothly.

what diet does to the body
advantage of proper diet and cellular detox
Signs of toxic overload


Supplements Kit.



60 servings of Protein Shake Mix

(2 bags:  Vanilla or Chocolate flavor or one of each).

20 grams of vegan protein and 24 vitamins and minerals to help you feel full

60 EnergyFizz Ginseng Fizz Sticks

(2 boxes: Citrus, pomegranate, and/or strawberry flavor)

A blend of ginseng, guarana, and green tea to support energy

40 Herbal Detox Teabags

(2 boxes).

An herbal blend to support normal function

of your liver and kidneys

30 GutHealth Digestion & Microbiome Support packets (1 box).

Enzymes, prebiotics, and 3 billion CFU of probiotics to support your gut health every day

60 servings of fiber boost (1 bag).

Delivers 12 g of soluble fiber in each serving

30 servings of Bewell Superfood Greens (1 container).

: A whole serving of fruits and vegetables per scoop

7 day Body Cleanse packets (1 box).

Assists with the gentle elimination of toxins

30 Skin Elixir Collagen Builder packets (1 box).

Helps build collagen to support skin, nails & hair health and helps provide antioxidants support.

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These amazing products are:

- Vegan certified

- Gluten-free certified

- Dairy, soy, and whey FREE

- Kosher certified

- PH correct

- Non-GMO

- Cruelty-free

- Artificial flavors, sugars, colors FREE

Arbonne bans over 2.000 ingredients in their products!

Starting a new mindful healthy lifestyle can be scary, anxious and overwhelming 

I had no budget for joining several membership programs and had no idea of where to start, and when I did save enough money for a program I would lose weight for a few weeks, but as soon the program was over... I had no idea of what to do next and worst yet gained all my weight back ... with interest!

There is plenty of free content out there, but sometimes it can be a little too much or confusing, you won't even know what would work for you and would not, what are the things worth investing your time, money, and energy at.

The worst part? Not having anyone on your side supporting you, cheering you up, going through the same journey as you are, and having someone holding you accountable all the way through and sometimes you will get advice from the people who... are not doing the program or haven't go through the process so their advice are the wrong unpleasant one!



Then the 30 Days To Mindful Healthy Living is for you!

This program was designed for people like you could find their support system as well get affordable advice, guidance, education, and coaching from me while also working on creating a mindful healthy living from the inside out,

a healthy relationship with mind, body & food.
Inside the program, we will not just eat healthily but we will work with our mindset, create intentions, set our goals (and learn how to do it... the right way!), workout and meditate together, and much more!

In this program, you'll find everything you need, and a community to connect and collaborate with.


Join The Program

30 Days To A Mindful Healthy Living Program

is only for people who are serious about creating a healthy relationship with mind, body & food and are willing to commit to transform their lives over the next 30 days!


community acces

One of the best things about our program has is our private community.  Thanks to our private FB community group you will never be alone on this new journey again! You will meet your new girl gang where we will hold accountable for each other.

No matter in what areas you need help with, or simply need someone to talk or cry with, you will be supported not just by me but by our amazing community as well.

There you will be able to ask any questions and get your answer from me your coach and other ladies doing the program with you.

Be prepared because we will not be playing games here!

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Live Group

coaching and trainning sessions


At the beginning of each program, we host a Goal Setting Workshop to help get crystal clear on your vision, set your goals and intentions for the next 30 days and make them your reality!

This is the perfect moment to work through any blocks you have and dream big with our community.  It is proven that the more people get together and set intentions, the bigger the energy and love we create and recieve.

Each week we will be doing group lives where we will be doing different types of meditations, workshops, & workout recommendations.


We'll work to find any answer you need, and you'll also be able to ask the other ladies opinions in the group.

Learn how to create the perfect balanced meal to make sure you are adding all of the nutrients your body needs to nourish, grow and be healthy.  I will teach you how to create your balanced plate, how to create a perfect bowl, and how to make super nutritious smoothies.

Everybody is different and has different body and weight goals so here I will also teach you how to create a balanced plate in two different ways, so you can customize your meals according to your goals or body weight.

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Learn how to

create a balanced plate

can't get enough?

Minimalist Elegant Beige And Black Pinte
Minimalist Elegant Beige And Black Pinte

With your program you will receive our exclusinve printable workbook/calendar that will go along with our daily and weekly workshops.

Inside your workbook you will have:

-Full calendar to plan your month in harmony with the program.

- Your 30 days intentions.

_ Your daily top to-do's session.

- Habit tracker

- Meal plan

- Workout tracker


- Your deep daily and weekly workshops journal where you will be able to put in practice what you learn!


Don't forget you will get weekly recipe ideas including meals, snacks and smoothies!

Ready to start?


for only $338.00

and you will receive an email with all the details and links to get started with the program.

Purchase includes:

- Full nutrition supplements kit

- Access private FB group

- Weekly recipes and grocery list

- FREE workbook/calendar

- Weekly coaches

- 40% your Arbonne kit

- FREE shipping

- FREE full size girt

- Save 20-40% for a year on all your Arbonne purchases

- All of the mentioned above!

Total value of $799

for just $334.60

Note: Your purchase will be done through a third party website "Arbonne" this means that during the day you will receive a separate e-mail from me "Stephanie's Wellness" with all the program information, FB group link, your workbook, and more!

Join Now


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