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Tips For A Mindful Morning Routine

Writer: Stephanie's WellnessStephanie's Wellness

Most people wake up in the mornings, do their chores, drink their coffee, and don't even realize that they haven't been conscious about their morning habits at all. They are working on autopilot. But today, I will help you to get out of that route, become conscious and create your own routine that will help you reconnect with yourself and live a mindfully healthy lifestyle.

Life gives you a lot of time to do what you want to do if you stay on the present moment. - Deepak Chopra


As we all know, phones have electric waves and vibrations. If you keep your phone in the room, even if you don't look at your phone in the mornings and keep it away from the night table, you are still exposed to all its energy frequency and your sleep will get affected.

Try finding a traditional alarm clock and keep anything electronic out of your room at night time. You will feel the difference in the mornings when you wake up.

Also, after you wake up, stay away from the phone! Give yourself at least one hour of just you, and the people you live with if you do, and be in the present moment.


Dedicate a few minutes to move and wake your body up. Then little by little get up on your feet. You can practice morning bed yoga that will help you to stay connected to your body, wake it up, and stretch it.

Your Easy Morning Yoga Exercise:
  • KNEES TO CHEST | Breathe in and stretch your arms and legs. Exhale as you hug your legs by bending your knees and bringing them to your chest. Round your back so that you can touch your knees with your forehead. Breathe three times this movement of stretching on your exhale and rolling on your inhale.

  • SIT DOWN MOUNTAIN | With your feet supported on the ground and separated no more than the width of the hips, keep your back straight without forcing it and interlock the fingers of the hands, directing the palms outwards. As you exhale, round your back and bring your hands forward with your gaze toward your navel to stretch your neck. She repeats three times this movement of growing by inhaling and rounding by exhaling.

  • LATERAL SPINE STRETCH | Keep your body, back, and neck straight, arms on either side of your body, and feet rooted to the ground hip-width apart. Look for stability in a vertical position (remember you spent 8 hours in a horizontal position). After a few seconds of adaptation, perform the following movement: breathe in and raise your arms above your head, holding your left wrist with the other hand. As you exhale, stretch your left side by tilting your trunk to the right without shrugging your shoulders. Breathe in and come back to the center. As you exhale, switch wrists and sides. Repeat this movement three times releasing the air to one side taking it when you reach the center.


Life is full of surprises, challenges, and noise. It will be inevitable to not bump with contingencies during the day, so it is very important that you set your intentions for your day, check your schedule, have a to-do list, and establish your priorities first thing in the morning.

Having a solid and intentional morning routine where you are taking a few minutes to establish your priorities for the day, will help you to either stay focused or be able to come back from any distractions and finish your day, accomplished, calm and calm.


Keep in mind that your body needs the energy to start and keep going with your day. Having only a cup of coffee does not count. Your breakfast is the most important meal of the day because you are breaking an 8-hour fast.

Do not make this habit an obligation, a burden, and a thing to do in a rush, make it intentional, mindful and something you make time for consciously. Sit down, enjoy the de moment and every bite you take.

I am not a big breakfast person, but I made sure that I give my body the nutrients that it needs to help me start my day and feel energized and focus to achieve all my tasks, chores, work, and take care of my family. If you are not used to having breakfast start by having something light, and then grow from there.

Start by trying whole grain cereals, yogurt, fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, and a smoothie. I love making my smoothies because it is easy and quicker, but again, I still go outside, watch nature, listen to the chickens, roosters, and birds and enjoy my breakfast.


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